Died "war correspondent" RIA FAN Kirill Romanovsky. This was announced by the owner of the publication, "Putin's chef" Yevgeny Prigozhin. Romanovsky was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery.
Romanovsky is known for bringing Russian journalists Orkhan Dzhemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko to the Central African Republic with a man who lured them into a trap where they were shot. This happened on July 30, 2018 near the city of Sibut. They approached Romanovsky on a tip from pro-Kremlin commentator Abbas Jum. Romanovsky gave journalists the contacts of a local guide (fixer), known as "Martin".
At the time of the call, he was in Bambari and arranged for Dzhemal, Rastorguev and Radchenko a car for him. The driver, as it turned out later, was in touch with the gendarmerie, which followed the journalists. On the way to Bambari, the journalists were killed. The Insider managed to contact Romanovsky: he insists that he had nothing to do with the murder of journalists.
In addition, The Insider studied his published search queries for July 2018. Some of them point to a high probability of his involvement in the murder of Dzhemal, Rastorguev and Radchenko. For example, Romanovsky becomes interested in the Central African Republic on July 30, on the eve of the assassination. The next day, he googles “article 105” (murder) and russes a bangui, that is, “Russians in Bangui,” from where the journalists left on the day of the execution.