Roskomnadzor monitors social networks looking for words that users call Russian President Vladimir Putin and which, according to the RKN, Russians should not use next to the image of the president. The list is published by Mediazona, which has studied the documents published by the group of Belarusian hackers “Cyberpartisans”.
It turned out that the service has a document called "Keywords-insults", it was at least a year old. The author of such a list is Adyan Borisovich Pataev. Mediazona notes that a person with such a name and surname in 2022 defended his diploma in the Business Informatics program at the Higher School of Economics. Pataev, in an explanation to the list of insults, indicated that the use of these words “only if a mention of the president is found” will be considered a violation. It is also considered an insult if Putin's photo was signed with such words.
The list contains the words: bastard, shit, asshole, whore, Honduras, idiot, dumbass, bastard, bastard, bitch, creature, scum, geek, brat, nit, scumbag, trash and hundreds of others.
The file “Examples of Text Violations_Insults to the President” dated November 29, 2021 contains 100 quotes from social networks, for example: “Putin is a freak scum scum get out of power asshole”, “Putin is some kind of phenomenal whore”, “Putin is a f*ck . His friends are cattle. Everyone deserves judgment and terrible punishment. But I can't do anything about it."
The hackers handed over two terabytes of data to journalists from the Russian opposition media, which are being released gradually. Earlier it turned out that the RKN has lists of people who were considered for inclusion in the register of “foreign agents”. In addition, the leaked files contained information that employees of the "daughter" of the RKN monitor the social networks of many oppositionists, journalists and musicians. They also monitor what data about Putin's health and condition is posted on social networks.