Twitter has started removing the blue checkmarks to the left of account names. They confirmed that the profile is maintained by a real person or it is maintained by official representatives of the specified company.
This system made it possible to deal with the fake accounts of popular public figures. The rules for getting the tick changed after Twitter was acquired by businessman Elon Musk. Now, according to his instructions, profile verification can be done for any user, but only on a paid subscription. Its cost is $8 per month.
Musk said on November 6, 2022 that "universal verification will democratize journalism and empower the voice of the people."
Now famous people like Pope Francis, Donald Trump, singer Justin Bieber, singers Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey have lost the blue ticks. They removed it from the account of The Insider.
Elon Musk is constantly trying to reshape the social network for himself. So, in February, information began to spread that he demanded to change the Twitter algorithm so that his tweets in the feed were shown first. At the direction of the businessman, they blocked journalists who did not cover his activities in a positive light. Also in the Twitter search, the accounts of Russian government departments, which were previously excluded from it, reappeared .