PMC Wagner posted an announcement in their Telegram channels, which refers to the suspension of the recruitment of mercenaries for a period of a month. The post was published , in particular, in the channel “PMC Wagner | Job advertisements.
“Due to the temporary non-participation of PMC Wagner in a special military operation and moving to the Republic of Belarus, we are temporarily suspending the work of regional recruitment centers for PMC Wagner for a period of 1 month,” the message says.
A few days ago, in the recruitment center of PMC Wagner, The Insider announced that they continue to recruit mercenaries to participate in the war in Ukraine, and no one is sent to Belarus. The Insider correspondent called the PMC hotline under the guise of a Russian looking for a job. When asked if he would have to sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense, the PMC officer replied: “No, we have nothing to do with the Ministry of Defense.” He also assured that the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu "no one is going to serve."
After the military riot , which was staged by the head of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, together with the fighters of the Wagner PMC, his fate, like the fate of the organization itself, was in question. Vladimir Putin publicly called Prigozhin a traitor and a traitor. PMC mercenaries were again offered to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense. Alexander Lukashenko said that Prigozhin himself and some of his mercenaries left for Belarus. There were reports that camps for the Wagnerites were already being built there. And the State Duma announced that Prigozhin's people would no longer take part in the war in Ukraine.