Of these, 12 were found on Telegram, 10 on VKontakte, four on Instagram and three on Facebook, the place of publication of another 13 fake posts is not disclosed in the cases. The suspects face up to 15 years in prison for spreading fake, according to the authorities, messages about the army.
The criminal case against Isabella Yevloyeva, a journalist from Ingushetia, stands out from the mass of criminal cases. Yevloyeva wrote about the Russian invasion of Ukraine in her personal Telegram channel.
Yevloyeva left Russia even before the criminal cases were filed. In early June, her elderly parents were searched. Yevloyeva was told that if she continued to write about Ingushetia, her parents would not be left alone. No more articles have been posted on Yevloyeva’s channel since then.
A criminal article about spreading knowingly false information about the Russian army appeared shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. Roskomnadzor demanded that the media write about the war only from official Russian sources.