Russia Today channel propagandist Anton Krasovsky published an entry about his trip to the east of Ukraine and complained that "Vinnitsa is not enough." On the eve of July 14, Vinnitsa was fired upon by the Russian military. Artillery hit the center of the city – the House of Officers on Victory Square, 1, as well as the neighboring house of life, in which there were banks, a registry office and a medical center. At the time of the evening of July 14, 23 dead are known, including three children.
It is known that one girl was 4 years old, the other two dead children were six and seven years old. More than 100 people were injured and turned to hospitals for help. The Russian Ministry of Defense explained the missile attack on Vinnitsa by the fact that "Nazis" were allegedly based in the local House of Officers. Such a response from the department was received, in her words, by the head of the RT channel Margarita Simonyan.
Her subordinate Anton Krasovsky believes that strikes on civilian cities in Ukraine should continue, and, apparently, become more frequent. “You thought that I was in the Crimea. But I was in Kherson and Kakhovka. I saw these crying people left homeless, losing everything. Little Vinnytsia! Few! I hope the final decision will be made tomorrow. Real combat." What kind of combat decision Krasovsky is talking about is not clear.