Neither Sergei Beseda himself, nor his family members (he has two sons) have ever shone in business. However, all of them, as The Insider found out, are provided with expensive apartments. Judging by the archival data found by The Insider, the general himself was registered in a 173-meter apartment in Bolshoi Sergievsky Lane. The market value of this object is more than 100 million rubles, information about it has been removed from Rosreestr.
The youngest son, 40-year-old Alexei, is fond of music and plays records in Moscow clubs. He is known as "Aleksei Bes" aka Ranking Cat. Here is how he is presented in the announcement of one of the performances: “Vinyl collector and selector. He has been fond of reggae and Jamaican culture since a young age. When I first heard the dub mixes, King Tubby realized that this music has a powerful cultural message and the right vibe."

In general, the general’s son tried to do business, he was a co-founder of Vending Initiative LLC, which was engaged in the installation of coffee and snack machines, but the company closed back in 2018, leaving behind debts on fines and several lost lawsuits for non-payment to suppliers. Prior to that, Alexei Beseda worked at the Togliatti JSC AvtoVAZagregat, but in 2016 the company was declared bankrupt, around the same time he returned to his homeland in Moscow. Bankrupt "AvtoVAZagregat", a member of the board of directors of which was the son of Beseda, with a scandal : the management was tried for wage arrears and tax evasion.
Alexey’s entire previous career was also not brilliant: until 2014, he headed the IT Invest company (now working under the ITI Capital brand), in 2015 he registered the Foton-Ik consulting company, but the company did not bring a lot of money, in 2020 in 2008, the revenue amounted to only 1.5 million rubles, and last year the joint-stock company was liquidated. Aleksey Beseda received a parallel salary at New Investment Group LLC, about 300 thousand rubles a month.
From the leak of food delivery services, it follows that the general’s son orders food at the address at house number 23 in Bolshoi Predtechensky Lane, information about his apartment has been removed from Rosreestr along with the cadastral number. The market value of an 87-meter apartment is about 30 million rubles (Alexey's wife, Anastasia Gulina, has no official income at all). Also, Alexei's family owns 4.3 hectares of land in the same elite village of Akulinino, where Navalny's team once discovered Vladimir Yakunin's palace with a "fur coat store". Even without taking into account the two luxurious mansions, the plot of the general's son costs about 100 million rubles.

It is worth recalling that Aleksey Beseda was behind the offshore company that owned the Russian enterprise Photoelectronic Devices, which undertook to launch the production of matrices for a thermal imager used in armored forces and military aviation. The enterprise received hundreds of millions of rubles from the budget, but the project failed. The board of directors of the company included Roman Rogozin, the nephew of the ex-deputy chairman of the government Dmitry Rogozin, who oversaw the military-industrial complex and lobbied for the interests of Beseda's offshore business.
The eldest son of Beseda Alexander is also associated with Rogozin, he worked in Rosoboronexport, the government apparatus (as deputy head of the secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin), and then moved to Roskosmos after Rogozin and became the head of the apparatus. He worked at Roscosmos until 2020. The total income of the general's son for four years of work in the government (2016–17) and Roscosmos (2018–19) amounted to 36 million rubles. His wife, Tatyana Beseda, works for a leasing company with an annual salary of less than 3 million rubles. But his apartments from data leaks are more expensive than the total official earnings: on Chasovaya Street (10 million rubles), on Vasilyevskaya (25 million) and Profsoyuznaya (60 million), and all apartments have also been removed from Rosreestr.
Thus, the market value of housing associated with the family of the FSB general, the data on which was removed from Rosreestr, is no less than 350 million rubles. Beseda's 69-year-old wife retired. The income of the security official himself is not disclosed, but it is known that the leaders of the FSB, even at the level of deputy director, earn about 6 million rubles a year.