Russian Telegram channels, including media outlets and government officials, have broadcast a propaganda video allegedly from Gazprom that an unbearably cold winter awaits Europe without Russian gas. The video uses footage of winter Krasnoyarsk, a million-plus city that has not yet been supplied with gas. Local media drew attention to this.
The video was shared by the vice-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Sergey Ponomarenko. To the post, he left a comment: “Well, you understand ?”. It is published by patriotic publics, and even by the media , with the message: "Master class on trolling the European Union from Gazprom." At the same time, there is no such video in social networks and on the company's website.
Krasnoyarsk publics write that this is "a mockery of the inhabitants of the city." So, NGS24 reminds that the main gas pipeline in Krasnoyarsk is promised to be built only in 2025-2027. Last year, Governor Alexander Uss said that he was waiting for a decision on the construction of the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline, then gasification "could reach two-thirds of the region's population."
Gazprom did not respond to The Insider's request to comment on whether the company actually made the video, offering to make a written request. The Insider's sources in the Russian pro-government media say that the video was most likely ordered by the son of the deputy head of the presidential administration, Vladimir Kiriyenko, the head of VK. By his order, for social networks, this video was made, for example (in honor of the Russian Flag Day) – the style is very similar.