The city of Svyatogorsk in the Donetsk region, judging by the photos of users in the Ukrainian segment of social networks, came under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Local Telegram channels published a photo with the Ukrainian flag on the building of the Svyatogorsk City Council. There is no official confirmation of this information yet.
Accordingto Russian blogger Andrey Morozov (“Fighting Cat Murz”), the Ukrainian military occupied a foothold on the left bank of the Seversky Donets and went behind the lines of the forces defending the Liman: 2 AK NM of the LPR, facing the Seversk-Artemovsk highway and to the rear of the allied forces of the Kuban Cossacks and Luhansk reservists, still heroically defending the forester's hut near Krasny Liman. At night, judging by the sounds, after a long break in Kherson and Slobozhanshchina, "Haymarsy" were working again in the Luhansk region.

Earlier, the command of the air assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the liberation of Bogorodichny near Svyatogorsk. And they published a video showing a frame with the Ukrainian military in this village.
The city council of Svyatogorsk is located on the left bank of the Seversky Donets – where, as claimed, Russian troops wanted to create a new line of defense.