In the military units of the Trans-Baikal Territory, a conscript soldier and two mobilized soldiers died. This is reported by "Siren" with reference to the relatives of the victims and sources in the military units themselves.
At the end of September, Chita.Ru wrote about the death of a man in the military unit of Transbaikalia, but the details were not known. According to one of Sirena's sources, it was about a mobilized person – he hanged himself in the military part of the city of Borzya, Trans-Baikal Territory.
Another source told Sirena about two more dead – a conscript and a mobilized one. One of them hanged himself, the cause of death of the second is unknown. Information about their death was also confirmed by relatives of several mobilized.
According to Sirena's source from the Trans-Baikal military unit, in Peschanka, a mobilized man fell from the third floor. According to some reports, the man survived, but according to others, he died.
Thus, at least 15 deaths of those mobilized in Russia are already known.