In Russia, fathers of three or more children under 16 are exempt from “partial” mobilization, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said on his Telegram channel. At the same time, no law on this was adopted and published, and the State Duma had previously proposed exempting children under 18 from the mobilization of fathers with many children.
According to Volodin, the Russian Defense Ministry decided that fathers of three or more children "should be exempted from mobilization."
“To date, over 9,500 fathers have been called up. They have been withdrawn from military units and returned to their families.”
Volodin recalled that the deferment is granted to the following citizens:
- declared temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons;
- engaged in constant care for a father, mother, wife, husband, sibling, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent who, for health reasons, in accordance with the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, in extraneous constant care (assistance, supervision) or who are invalids of group I, in the absence of other persons obliged by law to support these citizens;
- who is a guardian or custodian of a minor sibling and/or a minor sibling;
- having three or more dependent children under the age of 16;
- women with one or more children;
- dependent and raising one or more children without a mother.
He also promised to ensure control over the implementation of these rules by the deputies of the State Duma.
On October 11, Nina Ostanina, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, published a message on Telegram stating that fathers with three children in Russia are considered to have many children, so they should not be subject to mobilization by law.
The Insider has already reported on how Russians are indiscriminately mobilized with various diseases, in some cases this leads to their death. There are regular reports in the media about the deaths of those mobilized at the training grounds – there are more and more men who died before reaching the front. In addition, employees of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman are mobilized in Russia with reservations; the summons also came to a disabled person in a wheelchair of group I, who has a military ID with category “D”.