Monday. Amount of news
Classical judgment day. Ilya Yashin was tried in the Basmanny Court of Moscow, Lilia Chanysheva, a bulk carrier, was tried in the Moscow City Court, journalist Natalya Rezontova was tried in Nizhny Novgorod, and a pensioner in St. Petersburg, who “defiled” the grave of Putin’s parents with a complaint against their son-president.
But more about everything. Nizhegorodka Natalya Rezontova prosecutor requested 2 and a half years of restriction of freedom. Recall that she is accused of indirectly infecting people with covid at a mass event (that is, a rally), information about which she disseminated and thereby tempted people to go to the city center, despite epidemiological prohibitions. In addition to restricting freedom, they want to forbid Natalya to leave Nizhny Novgorod.
Lilia Chanysheva’s preventive measure in the form of a pre-trial detention center was extended until February 3, 2023. The meeting itself was made closed to visitors: The court referred to state secrets.
Stay in the pre-trial detention center of Ilya Yashin, too extended until November 26th. And we believe that this is not the limit, although it is chaos. The reasons why Yashin should remain in prison turned out to be: he has real estate in Bulgaria, he has connections abroad and, most importantly, he has a desire to commit more and more crimes. Court session of Yashin was also closed to visitors, but at least relatives, lawyers and journalists were allowed into the hall. By the way, journalists forbidden to ask questions under the threat of an administrative case for extra words in the hall. Later it turned out that the judge did not demand to close the meeting from visitors, but The bailiffs simply decided not to let anyone in. Because they can. Politician’s support group at this time detained on the street for picketing. Yashin is against the war. Release Yashin,” and “Freedom for Political Prisoners” is still a dangerous phrase. On the guys detained at the picket drew up protocols according to the “rally” article.
Irina Tsybaneva, who left a letter on the grave of Putin’s parents instead of house arrest prohibited certain activities: for example, visit the Serafimovskoye cemetery with a treasured grave.
Those who were not tried today were searched and arrested. For example, in Samara with morning searches came to libertarians and the “Left Front” allegedly for reporting on the mining of ships, in Angarsk, the pensioner was unsuccessfully tried to set fire to the military and was caught up in this occupation. The head of the Duma Committee on Defense, by the way, said that if summonses come to someone now, then this is just to clarify the data. And so the mobilization is over.
Complain only mobilized from Orel yes Arkhangelsk. Either their berets are tinder and the knives fall apart, then they are sent to the front in winter in thin linen and rubber boots, and for a snack give expired dryers.
But this is nonsense, but in the terrible case of extortion of money from the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov by journalists – new figure. BUT information about the property and real estate of the press secretary Ministry of Defense Konashenkov today classified. People work.
И – памятная дата. Красная, как революционный флаг. Октябрьская революция, товарищи, началась с выстрела крейсера «BUTврора». На него и сегодня приходит посмотреть население, вспоминают там всякое, рассуждают, может быть, размышляют. BUT мы не устаём удивляться, насколько обстановка 2022-го года напоминает не 1941-ый, а какой-нибудь 1914-ый год. BUT книгой, описывающей нашу реальность, продолжаем считать «Похождения бравого солдата Швейка» Ярослава Гашека. Читайте, там всё про сейчас. И про то, как однажды наступает 7-е ноября.
SOTA (@sotaproject)