Propaganda media and social media accounts circulated a video with the logo of the Al Jazeera TV channel, which tells about the detention in Qatar of three drunken Ukrainian fans who attached a Nazi mustache to the symbol of the World Cup Laib on a poster and wrote the slogan “Sieg heil” next to it. In the Telegram channel of Vladimir Solovyov, the video is commented as follows (punctuation preserved):
“The police did not appreciate the creativity and they were detained (as soon as they dared!). How the offense will be qualified is not yet clear.
Maybe they’ll let it go “on the brakes” – well, they drank, the guys joked, what’s wrong with that, but of course there is no Nazism in Ukraine (but this is not certain).
The authors of the video claim that Ukrainians similarly painted 10 posters near the stadium in Doha, the capital of Qatar. This was also reported by RIA FAN, Tsargrad and other publications.
Al Jazeera has published a clarification on its website stating that this video has nothing to do with the channel, it is only stylized as news clips that the company makes for social networks. The journalists of the TV company drew attention to the fact that the name of the stadium was spelled with two errors – El Beit instead of Al Bayt .
According to Al Jazeera , one of the first to post a fake video on social networks was the founder and head of the leftist online publication MintPress News , Mnar Adli. MintPress News regularly reprints messages from Russian propaganda publications such as RT and Sputnik, publishes articles in support of the ruling regimes in Russia, Syria, Iran and Venezuela, as well as anti-Semitic content. The publication was among the partners of the PeaceData website created by the Russian "troll factory", which supported the second presidential campaign of Donald Trump; the site hid its ties to Russia and had only English and Arabic versions.
For some reason, the fake Al Jazeera video does not show the faces of the Ukrainians allegedly detained by the Qatari police; instead, a photograph of Ukrainian fans on the podium is pasted in, clearly taken at some other tournament. There is no noticeable group of Ukrainian fans at the championship in Qatar, since the Ukrainian team could not qualify for it, and men from 18 to 60 years old were forbidden to travel abroad during the war.
There are several shots of the detention of "Ukrainians", but, as Deutsche Welle notes, the clothes of the police officers do not match the uniforms of law enforcement officers used at the World Cup.