RIA "Novosti" published a note under the heading "The Nikolaev underground announced the morgue, where the bodies of the military" let on organs "". It says :
“In the morgue of the Nikolaev city hospital No. 1, the organs of Ukrainian soldiers are being removed, while the dead have no signs of injury, an underground activist told RIA Novosti.
“In the city morgue, on Volodarsky Street, neatly gutted corpses of soldiers without signs of injury appeared. You understand that they have already begun to let fighters without injuries immediately go to the organs, ”said the agency’s interlocutor.
He added that, according to his associates, the soldiers mobilized from Nikolaev are not included in any registers and lists by the Ukrainian authorities.”
The contents of the RIA publication are recounted by Arguments and Facts, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ukraina.ru and many other propaganda media.

For obvious reasons, this information cannot be verified, and it hardly needs refutation, but the story is absolutely fantastic. Let's start with the fact that, according to an anonymous interlocutor of RIA, the murders of soldiers put on stream for the sake of organs take place in a civilian hospital, although there is a military hospital in Nikolaev. However, this can still be explained – for example, by the fact that many wounded are brought to the hospital and he cannot cope with the load.
But why did the soldiers who were not injured end up in the hospital at all? Unless they were hospitalized due to some serious illness, possibly infectious. To whom and why the organs of such patients may be needed, RIA does not explain. If the author of a detective novel came up with such a plot, he would most likely write, on the contrary, that organs are removed from wounded soldiers – they are mostly healthy people without chronic and infectious diseases.
Among other things, it is not clear how it can be known that these are the bodies of soldiers. How can it be that in Nikolaev there are no registers of mobilized, RIA also does not try to explain.
This is not the first time that a fake about “black transplantologists” harvesting organs from Ukrainian soldiers appears, and even before the war, such urban legends were quite common. In September, Vox Ukraine already wrote why these stories are implausible. For a transplant operation, as Alexander Usenko, director of the Ukrainian National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology, explained in 2020, more than 150 specially trained doctors are needed , including at least 6 surgeons only for organ harvesting, and high-tech equipment is required for storing and transporting a donor organ. It is inconceivable that such surgeries could be carried out secretly in an ordinary hospital.
The organs themselves remain suitable for transplantation only for a very short time. This means that if a patient in need of a transplant is not in Nikolaev or a neighboring region of Ukraine, the organs must be transported by air, and in Ukraine during the war, air traffic was stopped.
Finally, donors must be carefully screened and selected according to the criteria of compatibility with the recipient – by blood type, height, weight, medical history and other factors. This is hardly possible in the case of soldiers in Nikolaev.
Apparently, we have before us nothing more than another horror story in the spirit of the unforgettable "crucified boy" from Slavyansk.