RIA "Novosti" in an article under the heading "The media learned the real reason for the militarization of Poland" writes :
“Warsaw is preparing its army not to fight Moscow, but to suppress uprisings in the event that the western territories of Ukraine are returned to itself,” Marek Gala, an NDP columnist, said.
“If you think that the purpose of the militarization of Poland is to protect against possible Russian aggression, then you are very mistaken!” — wrote the author of the article.
The journalist claims that Kyiv is gradually preparing to give its western territories to Warsaw. Galya pointed out that many advertisements for renting apartments in Lviv mention the possible transfer of urban areas under the jurisdiction of another state.
“The process of transferring the western lands of the former Ukraine seems to have been planned long ago and launched from the first days of the special military operation of Russia,” the observer suggested.
He also believes that Poland is building up military power in the country with the help of foreign weapons in order to subsequently defend the former territories of Ukraine returned to itself from possible uprisings of followers of the ideology of fascism.
“Does it make sense to return to the events that took place many years ago in conditions when Ukraine is saturated with fascist ideology, and its history has long been rewritten and studied in accordance with Bandera ideology? Probably not anymore, and after the entry into force of the Duda-Zelensky pact on the transfer of historical lands, the Poles will again be considered occupiers. And then Poland will certainly not escape the new Volyn massacre, ”concluded the observer.”

The Polish online publication Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny (Independent Political Daily) is well known to our Antifake column. This in itself is a fake publication; most of his publications are copied one to one from other portals. The few original materials are Russian propaganda; according to Polish journalists, they are written in poor Polish and look very much like machine translations from Russian.
The publication has already written about allegedly preparing plans for the annexation of Western Ukrainian lands to Poland; publication entitled “European hyenas have already begun to share carrion. Help to Ukraine was by no means disinterested” was signed by the same pseudonym Marek Galas. But this time, the mysterious author hiding under a pseudonym (Polish journalists did not manage to find out who he is and whether he exists at all) has outdone himself. The article begins with this statement:
“Do you think that the militarization of Poland is aimed at protecting against possible Russian aggression? You are very wrong!
Last week, Ukraine adopted a proposal (with subsequent legislative amendment) to introduce the Polish language as a compulsory language in the curriculum. It is not surprising that a foreign language is forcibly implanted in Ukraine, because Ukrainian was also forcibly thrown in. <…> Now the school curriculum will prepare young Ukrainians for the idea of returning at least the western part of the country to its historical borders. And to make this process less painful, children will be taught Polish from an early age.”
There are no traces of the proposal on the compulsory study of the Polish language in Ukrainian schools on the Internet. Perhaps the mysterious Pan Galya relied on the recent publication of the Russian website Ukraina.ru (it is included, like RIA Novosti, in the structure of the MIA Rossiya Segodnya) under the heading “Poland needs strong slaves, not smart ones”, which said , that in Polish schools they reduce the teaching time allotted for mathematics, and increase the time allotted for physical education and the Polish language. In that article, there was also a photograph of the curriculum posted on the information stand.

The photo is a gross fake. Instead of the Ukrainian word "historia" is written "history" (obviously, in a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian). On the seal that affixed the “document”, one can see the words “Lubny’s spiritual education school”, the title mentions school No. 49, but there is no school with this number in the city of Lubny, Poltava region, and director Tamara Kobylyanska, who allegedly signed this curriculum, works in school number 3.
The plan itself looks extremely strange: it turns out that the school provides only 15 study hours per week for tenth graders. For comparison, in the standard curriculum published on the website of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, for grade 10 , a workload of 27–29 hours per week is provided. The only foreign language in terms of Ukraina.ru is Polish, although Ukrainian schools usually teach two foreign languages, one of which is English.
Gala continues:
“The fact that the return of the lands of the western part of the former Ukraine is a fait accompli is evidenced, for example, by announcements of apartments for rent in Lviv. One of them states that “in case of transfer of urban land under the jurisdiction of another state, the tenant must fulfill its obligations in full in accordance with the current lease agreement!”. And a postscript: “A unique opportunity to move to Europe without leaving your apartment.”
Of course, there are no traces of this announcement on the network either. But even if someone made such an announcement, it would not say anything: anyone has the right to place an announcement, even if it has nothing to do with reality. But it is especially funny that one specific announcement, which Galya quotes, in the RIA material already turns into “many”.
And then Galya moves on to her main revealing thesis:
“The process of transferring the western lands of the former Ukraine seems to have been planned for a long time and began from the first days of the special military operation of Russia. It's hard to imagine a better time to reclaim their historic lands. Kaczynski and company certainly don't want to miss this unique opportunity. Therefore, they increasingly reinforce their cunning measures to lull the vigilance of Ukrainians with feigned sympathy and comprehensive assistance with a military component. <…>
The process of creating this component is exactly what we are seeing now – the expansion of the army, foreign military equipment and personnel, Patriot air defense systems from Germany on the eastern border (after all, now missiles can fly in our direction for a reason). Yes, some will say that all these preparations are related to a possible Russian attack on Poland (are there still those who believe in this?). As an act of displaying weapons, showing the capabilities and potential of the country, these measures will serve their purpose, but it is still not enough to stop the military power and capabilities of a nuclear power.”
That is, according to the logic of Galas, Poland is strengthening its air defense near the border with Ukraine, fearing that Ukraine, which is striving to join NATO, will strike NATO member Poland with missiles received from NATO. And, apparently, specifically counting on such a scenario, Poland is supplying Ukraine with weapons, including Leopard 2 tanks. The only argument in favor of this bizarre version is that, according to Galas, no one believes in the Russian threat. It is these fantasies that RIA retells, providing the headline about the "real reason for the militarization of Poland."