The Russian organization Safe Internet League has compiled a list of bloggers who, in its opinion, should be “criminally punished”. This is reported by Mash, publishing a photo from a round table of public figures with representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Roskomnadzor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
According to the Telegram channel, the public asked to take action against more than 10 bloggers as soon as possible. The Safe Internet League wants to “criminalize” them for advertising “online casinos, drug shops and other Internet filth that adversely affects subscribers.” Among the bloggers discussed during the round table were Yegor Creed, Ilya Maddison, Yuri Khovansky, Andrey "Mellstroy" Burim, Buster (Vyacheslav Leontiev), Alexander Paradeev (Paradeevich), Ivan Shurpatov (Strogo), Roman Mokrivovsky and Alexander Zubarev .

Earlier, the Safe Internet League, which since 2018 has been headed by the daughter of Senator Yelena Mizulina Ekaterina, turned to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to check the rapper Morgenstern because of “possible propaganda of drugs among children.” As a result, the court found Morgenstern guilty and fined him 100 thousand rubles. Due to the complaint of the League, an administrative case was opened against journalist Yuri Dudya, he was also fined 100 thousand rubles. The same amount was fined on a complaint from the LJ League.