Telegram channels are circulating a video that allegedly shows the moment of execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war by Russian soldiers. In particular, the video was published by the Trukha Telegram channel, which has more than 2 million subscribers.
There is no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the video yet, the identity of the person in the video has not been established.
In the video, an unarmed man stands at a dug trench (“beds”) and smokes. The voice-over says "take it off". The man says: “Glory to Ukraine,” and they shoot him with machine guns.
Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak has already commented on these footage, calling the video “another example of the national insignificance and weakness” of the Russian Federation: “There will be retribution for every such war crime. No one can hide from her."
Russian Z-channels also began to distribute this video, without voicing any doubts about the authenticity of the footage.
According to the Geneva Convention , no physical or mental torture and no other coercive measures may be applied to prisoners of war. Prisoners of war, even if they refuse to speak, must not be threatened, insulted, harassed or restricted in any way.