Tatyana Ivashchenko, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, proposed involving schoolchildren in the production of products for the Russian military in Ukraine without asking permission from their parents.
“We still need to return to the system when parents trust the school that fulfills the state order and the message of the president. The school is the institution that must be trusted, and in its patriotic education, the school should have the right to involve children in socially significant volunteer work without the permission of their parents, ”the 161.ru edition quotes the deputy.
According to Ivashchenko, schoolchildren should be engaged in the manufacture of trench candles and camouflage nets. She also stated that children "lift [nothing] heavier than a chalkboard cloth until 11th grade." When they grow up, they are forced to save their friend from the battlefield, the deputy claims. According to 161.ru, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Alexander Ishchenko, although he urged Ivashchenko to adhere to the agenda of the meeting, nevertheless instructed his deputy Svetlana Manankina to work out her issue.