The American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly is finally leaving Russia, the Right to Health Telegram channel reports , citing a source close to the company and another source in the market.
According to the channel, the company will transfer the Russian business to Swixx Biopharma. When the transfer process will begin is not yet known.
This is already the second major foreign pharmaceutical company that left the Russian market amid the situation with Ukraine. The first, the American Bristol-Myers Squibb, left last May and transferred its business in Russia to a subsidiary of the Swiss Swixx BioPharma Swix Healthcare LLC. Employees of the Russian division were offered to go to work at Swixx BioPharma and were promised compensation. Swix Healthcare said they would continue to supply all BMS products to Russia. According to channel sources, the same scheme is expected with Eli Lilly.
Eli Lilly said last March that it was suspending non-essential drug exports, investments, promotional activities, and new clinical trials.