Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin decided to stand up for former US President Donald Trump, whom the court recently found guilty of sexual violence against Elle columnist Elizabeth Jean Carroll and ordered to pay her $5 million in compensation.
“Biden’s political technologists are behind these events around Trump.
But the more absurd the accusations against the former US president (and there will be many more), the stronger the core of his supporters rallies and mobilizes.
Why, you say, do they do it?
It is important for Biden's political technologists that it is Trump who goes to the presidential election from the Republican Party.
His high anti-rating is a chance for Biden. “Sleepy Joe”, in their opinion, will not be able to win another Republican candidate,” Volodin writes in his Telegram channel.
Volodin also said that "during the last election campaign, Biden won solely because of large-scale fraud: 101.4 million people (63.8% of voters!) took part in early voting (by mail and in person!) ".

Let's start with the claim that "Biden stole the victory from Trump." This is an old accusation that has been repeatedly used not only by Trump supporters, but also by Russian authorities seeking to convince their citizens that fair elections do not exist even in Western democracies. According to Volodin's logic, the fact that the election results were rigged is shown by the abnormally high number of early voters (most of whom voted not in person, but by mail). However, it is not very clear why: the elections were held in November 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, so the desire of Americans to stay at home on this day is quite understandable. As for the difference between early votes for Biden and Trump (44.8% vs. 30.5%), this is due, among other things, to the fact that Trump strongly criticized mail-in voting during the election campaign, which could turn his supporters away.
As for the fantastic theory that Biden’s political technologists are behind Trump’s conviction on charges of sexual assault, Volodin cites the only argument as evidence: the jury considered that there was no rape (in which Trump was initially accused), but still found him guilty and awarded compensation to the victim.
Indeed, the jury considered that Carroll proved the fact of rape – that is, sexual intercourse. However, the fact of sexual abuse (that is, that Trump subjected the writer to sexual contact without her consent) was, in their opinion, proven. That is why the ex-president of the United States must pay compensation to the victim.
That the accusations of the journalist are not groundless is evidenced not only by the fact that her story coincides with the accusations of other women against Trump, but also by his own words: for example, in a recorded conversation with the host of the Access Hollywood entertainment news program, the ex-president boasted, how he grabbed women by the intimate places, and that he always got away with it. The recording surfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign, causing a big scandal. However, Trump never went back on his words. He confirmed them in court against Carroll.
And finally, Volodin simply contradicts himself. On the one hand, he says how important it is for Biden's political technologists to "increase" Trump's rating in order to "push" him against the incumbent president, because only Trump with his high anti-rating Biden can win. On the other hand, he claims that last time Biden was able to get more votes in the elections than Trump, only with the help of "large-scale fraud." Following this logic, this time the “world behind the scenes” will have to falsify the elections even more, which is fraught with even more protests from Trump supporters than last time.