Ilya Yashin said that he was asked to testify in the "extremist" case of Alexei Navalny. This was reported in his Telegram channel. According to Yashin, he was taken to a separate prison video room, where he was surprised to see Navalny's face on the screen.
“Imagine my surprise when I saw his smiling face on the screen.
— Excellent robe, Alexey!
– Soon you will have the same, Ilya!
It is unlikely that my testimony will save Navalny from a cannibalistic sentence. But I did what I had to do: I told the truth and honestly answered all questions. And it was nice to see an old friend.”
The “extremist” case of Navalny began to be considered in court on June 19. The meeting takes place in the colony. The politician faces up to 30 years in prison on seven episodes of the criminal case:
- creation of an extremist community (Article 281.1 of the Criminal Code, part 3),
- public calls for extremism (Article 280 of the Criminal Code, part 1),
- public calls for extremism on the Internet (Article 280 of the Criminal Code, part 2),
- rehabilitation of Nazism (Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code, part 3),
- involvement of minors in the commission of life-threatening actions (Article 151.2 of the Criminal Code, part 2),
- creation of a non-profit organization that infringes on the rights of citizens (Article 239 of the Criminal Code, part 2),
- financing of extremist activities (Article 283.3 of the Criminal Code, part 2).