In the village of Novoukrainsky, Chelyabinsk region, a local resident stole a wooden public toilet, which was located near the feldsher-midwife station. The toilet was used by doctors, as there is no toilet in the FAP itself.
Since the building was on the balance sheet of the local administration, the officials contacted the police, and the thief was quickly found. It turned out that the man stole the toilet, since he had nothing to kindle the stove and warm himself, the wooden toilet was well suited for this purpose. The resulting firewood was enough for two days of heating the stove.
The incident was filmed by Vesti of the state holding VGTRK. The TV channel sent a film crew to the village of Novoukrainsky, which was able to talk with the kidnapper. He initially denied stealing the toilet, but soon confessed.
The head of the rural settlement stated that they would not install a new toilet for the time being. Physicians from the feldsher-obstetric station go to the toilet in a neighboring building – to the officials of the administration.