The Moscow Times journalist Kirill Ponomarev was detained in Belgorod on suspicion of spying for Ukraine, journalist Irina Babloyan said on her Telegram channel. She noted that the information was confirmed by the representative of the Belgorod anti-war committee Ilya Kostyukov.
“The Moscow Times journalist Kirill Ponomarev was detained in Belgorod on suspicion of spying for Ukraine. Now he is in the second department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the law, he must be released after 30 minutes,” Babloyan wrote.
As Kostyukov told Dozhd, the journalist was detained during an interview he was taking with refugees from Ukraine. According to Kostyukov, Ponomarev introduced himself as a Ukrainian journalist, because of which the policemen could “stretch themselves a lot,” says the human rights activist. According to him, the journalist has been kept in the department for more than three hours, the lawyer is not allowed.
The news is being added.