Kremlin propaganda media reports that a US Democratic congressman has called for the destruction of Russia. "MK" in a note titled "US Congressman called for the destruction of Russia because of Orthodoxy" writes :
“Fox News Russia broadcaster reported that Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin expressed the opinion that Russia should be destroyed because of the ideology promoted by its leadership.
“Russia is an Orthodox country professing traditional values. That is why it must be destroyed,” said the representative from Maryland. As clarifies, the United States must do this, the legislator insisted, regardless of the price.

The words of the well-known ultra-conservative Fox News columnist Tucker Carlson were conveyed by the Russian edition quite close to the text. But in themselves they are outright lies.
Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin actually issued this statement:
“I am pleased to learn of the withdrawal of the October 24, 2022 letter, which, due to poor timing and other shortcomings, has led to growing Republican opposition to support for Ukraine, exemplified by recent statements by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, being confused with the polar opposite the position of dozens of democrats like me who fervently support every package of military, strategic and economic assistance to the Ukrainian people and who are determined to see the Ukrainian people defeat Vladimir Putin and drive his imperialist forces out of their country.
In the eight months since Russia launched its atrocious illegal war of aggression against the people of Ukraine, the Ukrainian people have given Americans not only a chance to defend the values of national sovereignty, democracy and pluralism, but also great hope for the future of the world. If the Ukrainians were quickly defeated by Putin's army, as many expected, if Vladimir Zelensky fled the country, as many expected, then a dangerous tyranny would destroy the nascent democracy, and the prospects for democratic endeavors around the world would be clouded. The big countries would feel bolder and attack the small countries everywhere. <…>
Ukraine has given the world a lesson in anti-imperialism and how to fight a just war in self-defense even in the face of enormous civilian suffering. Putin claims, as European colonialists have done for hundreds of years, that there is no Ukrainian state and Ukrainian nation. This obvious lie became the rationale for an increasingly genocidal war, the openly declared goal of which is the destruction of the Ukrainian people as such. In recent weeks and days, Russian propagandists have repeatedly appeared on television calling for the murder of Ukrainian children and violence against the Ukrainian population. <…>
Moscow is now a center of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, war crime planning. This is the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-trans hate. <…> By supporting Ukraine, we oppose these fascist views and support the urgent principles of democratic pluralism. Ukraine, of course, is not perfect, but its society is organized on radically different principles of democracy and freedom, which is why Russia's oligarchic leaders seek to destroy it forever. I am proud to have been banned from entering Putin's Russia for my pro-Ukrainian legislative activism and I look forward to visiting Ukraine."
The withdrawn letter Raskin refers to is a letter from a group of Democratic congressmen representing the "progressive", that is, the left wing of the party, to President Biden with a proposal to start direct negotiations with Russia to end the war. The day after the letter was published, Pramila Jayapal, chairman of the progressive parliamentary group, announced that the text, written back in June, did not pass the check and was sent by mistake. Jayapal, like Raskin, claims to be unreservedly in favor of Ukraine.
There is no mention of Orthodoxy and traditional values in Raskin's statement, as well as a call for the destruction of Russia. Apparently, these are inventions of the odious Fox News columnist , known for his anti-Ukrainian position. On the contrary, the congressman accuses Russia of intending to destroy Ukraine and urges to resist this.