The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced on his Telegram channel that State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov was alive and was not injured. Earlier, Ukrainian media reported on his death, and the Russian TV channel Zvezda reported on his injury.
“Thanks to everyone who was worried! Adam Sultanovich is alive and well and not even injured. I knew this from the very beginning of the fake stuffing, but I decided to show everyone, primarily Ukrainians, to what extent their media have sunk. This is how much you need to disrespect your audience in order to brazenly lie, knowing that lies can be refuted. And when I added fuel to the fire, the fake authors themselves believed in their fairy tale.
While the entire Internet space is buzzing and discussing this delusional fantasy of the Ukronazis, in which they not only killed the Hero of Russia, but also almost 200 of our fighters, we are with dear BROTHERS – State Duma deputy, Hero of Russia Adam Delimkhanov, Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic, We continue to work as Hero of Russia Magomed Daudov, Minister of the Chechen Republic for National Policy, Foreign Relations, Press and Information Akhmed Dudayev. Akhmat units are in their places, including strengthening on the Russian border in the Belgorod region. We discussed the current situation, the redistribution of forces and means of our units, ”Kadyrov wrote.

Recall that after reports about Delimkhanov appeared in the media, the following message was published on Ramzan Kadyrov’s Telegram channel (probably he tried to joke):
“I myself can’t find Adam Delimkhanov in any way. He does not get in touch. I ask Ukrainian intelligence to provide information on exactly what place and what positions were hit, so that after all I could find my dear BROTHER. I promise a generous reward and I ask you to help.”
Adam Delimkhanov is the brother of Alimbek Delimkhanov, the commander of the Sever battalion, under whose command three defendants in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov served. Earlier, Adam Delimkhanov was wanted by Interpol on suspicion of organizing the murder of Sulim Yamadayev. On July 2, 2014, the United States imposed sanctions on Adam Delimkhanov: according to the US Treasury, the deputy acted in the interests of the leader of the Fraternal Circle criminal group.